The Nature of Reality

Nowadays people believe in Science. By all means I appreciate science too, and all the good things that it has brought us and still does. But I deliberately say: people BELIEVE in science. Like a new religion, there is only one truth and this is that our reality is measurable and repeatable and material, period! Everything that challenges that belief is dismissed as “unscientific”.

In magic we believe in a multileveled reality. In the realm of matter science rules. In the world of consciousness different rules apply, and they cannot be investigated scientifically.

The reality of the internet makes it sooo much easier to explain magical concepts… let’s talk about the “digital bubble” that is so much in the news nowadays. By Googling and Facebooking you create your own bubble. The digital process serves you the news Facebook thinks you like! In this way you get an increased limited view on what is happening around you. But hey… this is not Facebook, the digital process reflects a magical law. We all live in our own bubble of preconceived ideas. We live the reality we BELIEVE to be true. Marketers and politicians try to influence us to believe in THEIR reality, so that it will start to manifest; the Law of Magic in action!

But what is the function of a magical training in this aspect? It is to wake you up to the spiritual level of reality. To at first cause a crack in the enchantment of the material dream that caught you by education and propaganda. To open your eyes to that Otherworld of Spirit: that reality that is the cause of what manifests in our material world. To experience and learn the laws about that underlying spiritual reality, that results in what YOU imagine and believe most strongly will manifest in YOUR life.

I am really curious to learn about your experiences … When you like to participate in our discussion, then visit the Temple of Starlight group on Facebook!


Ina Custers van Bergen
For Enchanting Self-development


About Ina Custers

Ina Custers van Bergen helps professionals to connect to their spiritual resources, by means of meditation and spiritual exercises, so that their lives become magical! As the head of the Hermetic Order of the Temple of Starlight she developed the Solo Magical Training, a powerful spiritual system that helps professionals preventing the 'is-this-all-there-is-crisis' and realising their spiritual ambitions. Ina combines the "Art of Feeling Good" with coaching. On her website and on facebook you can read about the Solo Magical Training, the Inner Temple Training, the Magical Master Classes, the Magical Temple Retreats, coaching, lectures and other activities.
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